
Author: Lisa Lindawati   Abstract The existence of new media blurs the dichotomy between media and audiences. Production of information is no longer monopolized by the mainstream media. It is challenging and convey a significant impact on journalism. New media fertilize what is called the Citizen Journalism. Production of information […]

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Studi Kasus Peran Media Lokal Online dalam Mengarusutamakan Wacana Desa sebagai Komunitas Mandiri di wilayah Kabupaten Banyumas Jawa Tengah pada tahun 2013-2014 Author: Lisa Lindawati, Rezha Rosita Amalia, Rani Eva Dewi Perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (TIK) menjadikan informasi dan komunikasi sebagai elemen penting penggerak masyarakat. Disamping itu, perkembangan TIK […]


Intercultural Communication sebagai Jalan Keluar Author: Lisa Lindawati Abstract After more than thirty years adopted a ‘top down’ that tends to centralized,  the government in reform era moving in the development paradigm based ‘community empowernment’. In the implementation does not always go according to plan. Various problems, both in structural […]